Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Onslow County African-Americans in the Union Navy

I received an email last week from Richard Phillips who authors a blog about African-American soldiers and sailors from Onslow County, which of course is my home county and where I currently live. He has found four brothers, the Everetts, who all joined the Union Navy. Follow this link to his blog, African American Soldiers and Sailors. There are a number of posts on the Everett brothers and a lot of great images, including numerous scanned documents. Excellent work, Mr. Phillips!


Brandie said...

I've read some of his genealogy stuff, but this blog is awesome! I am obsessed with the pie charts. I'm not sure James is obsessed with me sitting around calculating what percentage of slaves his ancestors owned in each district, but he knew I was like this when he married me!

In short, this totally made my day.

Andrew Duppstadt said...

I am now following this, and two more of his blogs on Facebook via Networked Blogs. He's doing some good research, especially for us folk interested in Onslow County. Lori is all geeked up about it too because the four brothers who served in the Navy were stationed at Beaufort, which is a good tie in for what she's doing at the Maritime Museum.

Glad I could totally make your day!

Brandie said...

By the way, things have gotten crazy with my research on James' black ancestry - I just need to take a trip to the archives to get some record copies. I even found manumission records - it went through the general assembly a couple of times and took 5 years for the poor guy to be manumitted!