Monday, August 25, 2008

Damn Pirates - Part II

Here's more on modern-day piracy. Those damn pirates!


cg said...

As my friend and everyone's nemesis, Dave Hunter, once said with much aplomb to our man in the Coast Guard about to patrol the South Seas... "Great, Pirates, you can shoot them and no one will care!"

Jessica said...

I was going to chide you for your pirate obsession, but then I enjoyed the article. Drat!

Michael W. said...

Well, he does have a new book to help him with understanding pirates. However, I don't see it listed on the books he is currently reading.


Andrew Duppstadt said...

The reason you don't see that book is because I am not "currently" reading it *GRIN*. It is on the shelf, but out of the rotation for now. As you can see I'm pretty busy already on the old reading list. Of course, I also consider the book you are referring to as more of a reference work to be consulted as specific questions arise. Since you bring it up, I may have to check the Idiot's Guide to see if it includes information on modern piracy.