Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flurry of Activity

This weekend is proving to be quite the busy one. My birthday is tomorrow, and in a weird turn of the calendar it falls on Good Friday this year. Talk about an early Easter! This is my 35th birthday and my wife has put together a party for me. I have friends coming from Seattle, New Jersey, Baltimore, Charleston, and Raleigh. Should be a good time.

I found out today that my grandfather is in the hospital. Apparently its nothing too serious, but he was having some chest pains and they can't figure out why. They are keeping him overnight for some tests and such, but no one in the family seems too worried. The guy is 85 years old and has had two heart attacks, albeit 30-some years apart. That's right, he had one when he was in his 40s and another in his 70s, which isn't a bad track record. Its maple sugar boiling season in Pennsylvania where he lives, and as usual he's been busy helping with the maple syrup production process. I'm glad he's so active because I think that's what keeps him going, but I'm wondering if he's been overdoing it at the old sugar camp lately. That could be what's ailing him. I guess the doctor's will tell us.

I also found out that my dad's assisted living facility is under quarantine due to a flu outbreak. The residents aren't allowed to leave their rooms and only immediate family members are allowed to visit. I suppose I'll go see him tomorrow because I guarantee he's bored to death being stuck in his room. He enjoys sitting on the bench in the hallway and watching traffic go by. I'm sure he's tired of watching TV at this point.

We're hosting the wife's family for Easter on Sunday afternoon, so all in all it will be a busy weekend.


Michael W. said...

Hi Andrew!

A very happy birthday to you sir! I hope it is a good one and hope that you have many, many more!


Chris Grimes said...

Happy Birthday, old man!!!