Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Alabama - Day Three

It snowed here today. Yes, folks, I am in NORTHERN Alabama; in fact, I can see mountains all around. I figured we'd have a few cold days, but I never imagined snow. And yes, we were out drilling in it, both small arms and artillery. To put this into perspective for those of you who will understand this, it was "Fort Fisher in January cold" here today. Aside from the miserable temps, today was a physically tough day in terms of drill, drill, and more drill. I am not a big fan of close order small arms drill (which is why I am not an infantry reenactor), but I damn sure did some of it today. Much to my credit, I did it pretty well. I certainly think I was among the top half of the class. I also got to learn the period drill for the Spencer Repeating Rifle, which is interesting and something I can take back to North Carolina with me that I didn't know before. Tomorrow it's back to more drilling and we will burn our first powder as well. Hopefully it will be warmer.


Anonymous said...

"To put this into perspective for those of you who will understand this, it was "Fort Fisher in January cold" here today."

Being at Fort Fisher State Historic Site for the 140th Anniversary Program back in January of 2005, the one thing I can remember was.... that brutal, icy wind.

Chris Grimes said...

Can you hear it? The melody is so familiar. I'm playing "My Heart Bleeds for You". Quit your complaining. I too remember those cold days a Fort Fisher. Rarely has it not snowed, or at least sleeted, as I made my way home. Tell Mugsy I said hello!

Andrew Duppstadt said...

Damn it Chris, I'm not complaining; I'm just stating indisputable facts. It was just plain freakin' cold! May you not suffer the same fate at Fort Anderson this weekend.