Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Busy Week Ahead

I've just returned from a five day trip to Pennsylvania visiting relatives. I got to go fishing with my grandpa (who is 88 years old and still very active), spend a day in Pittsburgh with my youngest cousin who just graduated from college, and attend a party for my grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary, which was kind of like a mini family reunion. All in all it was a pretty good trip.The view from my grandparents' back porch. I'm all for renewable energy/green power, but I can't help but lament how the windmills have changed the viewshed.

Today I went back to work and sifted through the 30-some odd emails I had waiting for me. I also had my new issue of Military Collector and Historian waiting on my desk this morning, so I read through most of that. This evening I caught up on grading assignments for my online classes.

This will be a busy week because I'll be making preparations for one of the largest projects my living history group has undertaken. This weekend, June 12-13, we will be hosting a War of 1812 garrison weekend at Fort Macon State Park. We are very excited about this opportunity and the park staff are looking forward to it as well. We have reenactors coming from Virginia, Georgia, and other parts unknown to take part in the program. We should have about 30 reenactors present. Organizing and hosting such a program is a big job, but I think we are up to the task. We are hoping to put on a quality event that the reenactors will want to make a regular part of the calendar. The park staff is excited about the possibility of doing something more than just Civil War living history, and being able to commemmorate the upcoming bicentennial of the War of 1812. I'll make another post later this week about the history of the War of 1812 in this part of North Carolina. Until then, it's back to work for me!

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