Friday, March 13, 2009

Ongoing Reading Binge

Since about Thanksgiving I've been on a pretty torrid reading binge (at least for me). It all started with some things I had to read for a work-related project, then two book reviews back to back, and I just decided to keep it going. I plowed through Alan Watson's history of Bath in two days, which isn't unthinkable since it's not a very long book and is well-illustrated. Now I'm on to Victoria Bynum's Unruly Women for the aforementioned work-related project, and continuing my increased interest in the 18th century, Bert Dunkerly's Redcoats on the River. If you'd like to know more about any of the things I've read recently or am currently reading, there are links on the blog's sidebar. I'll be interested to see how long I can keep up this pace before I have to take a break, and then, how long a break I'll take before starting another round.


Anonymous said...

May I ask... what is the project that requires you to read Unruly Women? (I'm reading it this weekend)

Andrew Duppstadt said...

Jann and I have finally gotten around to writing the two narrative sections of the CW150 educational unit that were originally assigned to you. Jann took on Reconstruction and I'm doing Wartime NC. After reviewing my initial draft of that segment, Marty decided it was lacking in the areas of women, common folk, and blacks. So, he suggested I read parts of both "Common White Folk" and "Unruly Women" in order to strengthen that narrative. As you well know, 19th century social history really isn't my forte, so I feel like I'm doing remedial work at this point. You reading the book for a class, or just because you're a huge fan of Victoria Bynum?

Anonymous said...

reading it for class, actually. My recent flirtation with VB on fb is purely coincidental.